The Transition Coach

What is a Transition Coach?

It’s likely that at some stage of your professional career you will reach a point when you feel the need for change.  You may feel stuck or unhappy in your role, feel undervalued or sense a disconnect with the business and your personal goals, and you start thinking, ‘What next?’

Working with a Transition Coach is a valuable resource to provide guidance, personalised strategies and unwavering support, helping you navigate your career path with confidence and successfully achieve your personal aspirations.

Not all changes are positive. Some changes will not be within your control, such as downsizing, office closures and redundancies. These changes can lead to challenging and uncertain times for many individuals. A Transition Coach will help you navigate this period to develop confidence and resilience. I will work with you to identify your strengths, explore new career opportunities, and develop a clear action plan for your next steps.

“If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading.” — Lao Tzu.

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